Final stage of preparations for their cross-Atlantic row!

The Brightsides rowing team sets sail for the Canary Islands at the start of December as they enter the final stage of preparations for their cross-Atlantic row at the start of next year, which is raising money for Get A-Head and Meningitis Now.   Here, team leader Rod Adlington describes how the thought of a leaving party on December 1 has focussed the minds of all those involved. Nothing ever becomes real until it is experienced. I don’t suppose John Keats thought about rowing across the Atlantic with three teammates when he wrote that quote in 1819. But as the days count down to our departure for the Canary Islands, I’ve been thinking more and more about it. With each passing day, the reality of what we are attempting becomes more urgent. Our leaving party on Friday, December 1 will be a real line in the sand and mark the start of the end of this pre-row period. It is a time of contrasting emotions. As a crew, we cannot wait to get stuck into the challenge which lies ahead. We’ve been training for months and are as ready as we will ever be.  We have nerves, of course, but then a person who is not nervous about facing six weeks on the Atlantic Ocean being battered by 40ft waves and in temperatures of up to 40C is probably not someone you’d want sat next to you on the boat. But we are also leaving family, friends, sponsors and supporters behind at this most special time of the year, and that is a real wrench. A real family has grown up around us over these past six months and we will miss the camaraderie which has developed across our wider support network. That will all be drawn into sharp focus at our leaving party and I’m sure the enormity of our undertaking will become just that little more clear to all four of us. So, whilst we might not have experienced the thrill of the Atlantic just yet, I can assure you it is becoming ever more real. The game, as they say, is most definitely afoot. Please do support us in any way you can, and until next time, happy days. As well as donating through our website,  you can also donate via text message: Text ROW1 to 70191 to donate £10 Text ROW3 to 70191 to donate £30

Just days away

Things are moving quickly for the Brightsides rowing team as we get ready for our cross-Atlantic row at the start of next year, which is raising money for Get A-Head and Meningitis Now.  Here, team leader Rod Adlington looks forward to special party being thrown in our honour on December 1. I can hardly believe we are a just days away from leaving the UK to start the final preparations for our big Atlantic adventure. The fact that we are so close to launch day really hit home this week as tickets for a leaving party being thrown in our honour – and to raise vital cash for our two fantastic charities – went on sale. The party – at Coventry Rugby Club on December 1 from 7.30pm – promises to be a fabulous night of fun and fundraising. Countryfile TV star Adam Henson is hosting the event, which will also feature an appearance by legendary athletics star Dave Moorcroft, a live band, surprise guests and street food and bar. It’s going to be a night to remember for all sorts of reasons. The auction will feature some really special prizes which money simply cannot buy, it will be great to hear from the legend that is Dave Moorcroft and Adam Henson makes a superb compere. The good news is that there are still some tickets available at £15 per head and these can be purchased from Karen who can be contacted on 07966 184507. We’d love to see you there to help wave us off on this adventure of a lifetime. Please do support us in any way you can, and until next time, happy days. As well as donating through our website,  you can also donate via text message: Text ROW1 to 70191 to donate £10 Text ROW3 to 70191 to donate £30

A New Face on the Team

There’s a new face on the Brightsides team – and she is already making waves.  Here, team leader Rod Adlington updates us on the latest news from the Brightsides camp. We’ve got a new face on the Brightsides crew – and she’s already making a huge impression. Anna Williams – a 29-year-old small animal vet from Lancashire – has joined the crew after stepping up from the reserve spot. For Anna, the chance to row across the Atlantic is something of a dream come true, and her fantastic personality and background as an ultra-athlete means she brings a terrific new dynamic to our team. Anna is certainly no stranger to a gruelling physical challenge. She has rowed competitively for a number of years and completed her first multi-day ultramarathon in September. She said: “I feel very lucky to be doing it with such an incredible crew, and whilst I’m under no impression that it’s going to be an easy six weeks out there – huge waves, over-enthusiastic marlins, seasickness – I hope that we’ll pull each other through as a crew, have a laugh along the way, and arrive in Antigua with incredible memories and stories to tell.  “As well as doing this for ‘the challenge’, we’ll be rowing to raise money and awareness for Meningitis Now and Get A-Head, two charities that have deeply personal ties to the crew. “I’m honoured to have been selected as the fourth member of The Brightsides crew and can’t wait to get started. Antigua, we’re coming for you! Let’s get it!” Anna speaks for all of us when she says she cannot wait to get the row under way and with her passion and enthusiasm on board, I’m certain we will be in the best possible place to complete the 3,000 mile crossing in the best possible shape. Please do support us in any way you can, and until next time, happy days. As well as donating through our website,  you can also donate via text message: Text ROW1 to 70191 to donate £10 Text ROW3 to 70191 to donate £30

A busy week for the crew

It’s been a busy few weeks for the Brightsides rowing team as the start of our extraordinary cross-Atlantic row nears. We’ve appeared on TV, had a big sponsorship boost and a last-minute change of crew.  Here, team leader Rod Adlington updates us on the latest news from the Brightsides camp. It’s really starting to hit home that we are only a couple of months away from the launch of our cross-Atlantic adventure. We’ve just enjoyed our last outing in our wonderful boat Mrs Nelson on UK waters – before she is shipped off to Lanzarote ready for the start of the action on January 3. The great news is that BBC Midlands Today was on hand to film the occasion at Draycote Water, near Rugby, and featured us in their nightly news programme on October 29th and online on catch up. It’s brilliant publicity for our two charities – Get A-Head and Meningitis Now – and also a wonderful way for us to say a public thankyou to all our sponsors and supporters. And talking of sponsors, we’re thrilled to announce that leading Midlands law firm Lodders has come on board as one of our main backers. They are a brilliant firm, and we are incredibly grateful to them and our other headline sponsor, Bromwich Hardy, for demonstrating their support to us. Having their backing means we are moving closer to our fundraising target of £250,000 for Meningitis Now and Get A-Head. We’ve also announced a change to our team in the last few days. Unfortunately, Ryan Davin has had to pull out but our first reserve, Anna Williams, has stepped up to join us.  Anna – a 6ft 3ins powerhouse of an athlete from Lancashire – is a brilliant addition. She is a rower who has competed at Henley, is also a fell runner and an extreme athlete and has just completed a very arduous five-day mountain ultra-marathon in Sweden.   Needless to say, Anna has settled perfectly into the team and the rest of us are desperately trying to keep up with her. Please do support us in any way you can, and until next time, happy days. As well as donating through our website,  you can also donate via text message: Text ROW1 to 70191 to donate £10 Text ROW3 to 70191 to donate £30

From front row to Atlantic row – Coventry Rugby Day is a huge success.

Our Challenge-hero

It’s been another fantastic week for the Brightsides team – this time largely off the water. We spent a glorious day as Coventry Rugby Club guests at their season’s opening match against Premiership legends Saracens. Our Rannoch 45 Atlantic rowing boat Mrs Nelson, turned more than a few heads as she sat alongside the touchline, soaking up the beautiful sunshine. We invited families and children to come on board and take photographs – and see exactly what conditions will be like on Mrs Nelson as we undertake the Atlantic Dash from Lanzarote to Antigua in the new year. There was plenty of interest in our challenge during the day, with the glorious weather and festival atmosphere certainly helping. We hope to raise £250,000 for head and neck cancer and disease charity Get A-Head and Meningitis Now through our efforts, which will involve rowing over 3,000 miles during six weeks at sea and battling 40ft waves. Tom Bromwich – chairman of trustees at Get A-Head and founding partner of Coventry commercial property specialist Bromwich Hardy, one of our main sponsors, joined us for the day along with Get A-Head director Danni Heath. The eminent Coventry chairman Jon Sharp came across and had a good chat and is keen for the partnership to continue to the end of the row. We also met with Coventry Cathedral custodians plus top brass from Coventry Round Table, also fellow adventurers having walked to both Poles.  And when the day couldn’t get any better, Championship side Coventry managed to get the better of their Premiership rivals in a terrific match in the Premiership Cup. Happy days indeed.